AMBC Races

Giant XCO Round 1 results


Results are up! Check out the results page

Let know if you spot an error.

Well done to everyone who rolled out to help out and/or race.

Next race is on 13 Sep 2015 @ Mt. Torrens and entries are open.

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AMBC Races

Enduro Round 3 Results


Results are up on the website – click here to go to the results page

If you spot any errors or stray emus, let know. They’ll be finalised at 6:00pm, Wednesday 24th June 2015.

The Elite points table has also been updated – make sure you check this – I’m prone to crunching numbers funny sometimes. If you spot an error email

Non-qualifiers for the series have been removed – Remember, you need to race in at least 2 x Hammer Nutrition 4 hour enduros and 2 x Giant XCOs to qualify.

Massive thanks to everyone who helped out today.

If you were wondering what that buzzing noise was, here’s a sneak of what was captured by Brett Caston and his drone –

YouTube link

AMBC would like to thank Hammer Nutrition for their ongoing support of the Enduro series. Check out their website for information pertaining to their product. Remember that AMBC members are entitled to 15% off all orders – check out the sponsor page for info.


The next race is the first round of the Giant Adelaide XCO series. Heading into the quarry of a place, Eagle MTB Park, you can be sure the next race will be fast and furious with a touch of lung busting fun!

The calendar page has links to the rest of this years races.

If you can’t wait until August to get your race on, the SRAM Gravity Enduro SA round 1, also sponsored by Giant Adelaide,  is on 28th June. Entries closing on 24th June @ 9:00pm – click here for rego. Click here for the GESA Website.

Port Adelaide Cycling Club also have 2 cyclocross events in July – 5th and 19th. They have an open grade that allows for MTBs and grades to suit everyone else. Check out the website for details – PACC Cyclocross page.

See you on the trails!

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AMBC Races

Hammer Nutrition R2 Results

Preliminary results are up for the second round of the Hammer Nutrition 4 hour enduros.


We had some issues with the transponders this time around, so make sure you check your results and make sure they’re accurate and represent your effort in these pristine MTB conditions. If you spot an error, email If you have a GPS file, send that through as well.

Next race is at Craigburn Farm is now 3 weeks away – 21st June 2015. Entries are open – check out the links below for more information!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Hammer Nutrition Round 1 results

Results are up on the website – click here to go to the results page. The Elite series table will be up by the end of the week (probably).

Big thanks to all the volunteers who helped out.

Great turn out of racers.

Next round is at Prospect Hill on 31st May

The calendar page – click here – has been revamped and has registration links to ALL the races for the rest of the year.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Results for Summer Series Ronud 3

Preliminary results are up!

Huge apologies to Will Golding who received a dud transponder and I failed to notice it. Unfortunately, no lap times for him. He took it like a gentleman and seemed pretty happy to simply be out on the bike!

If you notice any other discrepancies, shoot an email through to and we’ll sort it out. Dispute window is until Wednesday 6pm.

Next race is on 29th March 2015. Entries are open, click on the link at the bottom of the post to go to registration. This race is at Eagle MTB Park. Should be doable on a CX bike* (shouldering and running/walking your bike is part of having a CX bike………….#init?)

*Eagle MTB Park is much more fun on a proper MTB. CX bike not actually recommended unless you love a real challenge or want to stick it to your mates!

Big thanks to Stu Clement for coming out and checking out the timing system. Great student and very attentive – A+ – would hire again! Phase 1 of “Let’s organise a timing team” has commenced!

Plenty of photos going around, check out the photos page for links!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Summer Series Info | Register Now