AMBC provide XCC (short course), XCM (marathon) and XCO (olympic) racing throughout the year.
In summer we run XCO races, held in the cooler part of the day before it heats up. These aim to be less technical and a good introduction into the new year’s season. The first Summer Series race generally occurs in December, with the last race generally in March.
In Autumn we generally move to XCM events where teams or solo competitors challenge themselves to complete as many laps of an extended cross country MTB course over a 4 hour period.
In winter, we run races based on the discipline of Olympic format cross country, the only MTB event included in the Olympic Games, and a format which is raced all over the world. Races are held over multiple laps of a 5 to 7 km course. The winner is the competitor who completes the allocated number of laps for their respective class in the fastest time.
In the later part of the year, there is a standalone SA State Championships race where the annual State Champions are determined.