General News

2015 Australian Masters Games


AMBC is proud to announce that it will be hosting the MTB round of the Australian Masters Games. Details are:

Competition Dates: Saturday 10 October 2015

Venue: Craigburn Farm MTB Park, Craigburn Road, Craigburn

Age Groups: 30-39, 40-49, 50-59. 60-69, 70+

This is a separate event to AMBCs Giant XCO Round 2 being held on 11th October.

Seriously, I’m looking at the array of sports on offer in these games and you can compete in Bocce, Futsal (I think that’s indoor soccer), parachuting (seriously!), ROLLER DERBY (OMG – dust of those roller skates – YES!) and probably my favourite – true grit (I’m pretty gritty)!

Age is determined by your age as of 31st December 2015. So if you’re in the lucky category like me – turning 30 in May – YOU’RE TOTALLY ELIGIBLE!

The official word from the guys over at Australian Masters Games:

Entries are now open for the 15th Australian Masters Games to be held in Adelaide this October.

The Games are a great excuse for a week away with friends, whilst enjoying the sport you love and a busy Games social program. Apart from meeting the minimum age requirement, in most sports there is no qualifying standard, so players of all levels and abilities are welcome.

New in 2015, the Airbnb Games Village will be hosted indoors in the heart of Adelaide’s CBD at the world-class Adelaide Convention Centre. The village will feature great food, drinks and nightly entertainment.

Stay tuned for further announcements, including the release of the exciting social program.

You can enter now by visiting

By entering now during the Gold Entry window (closes Friday 1 May) you will receive a reduced Games entry fee of $99* and become a Gold Participant which entitles you to:

  • A special edition Games label pin
  • Distinct gold accreditation
  • Priority access at the Airbnb Games Village for accreditation collection.

You can help to recruit your team-mates by printing and posting at your club, workplace or venue, one of our eye-catching promotional posters. You can download a copy by visiting the sports information pages, click here


General News

Green Smoothie closure

Image  from Kaneophoto – check out his work, it’s rad –

Bike SA have been distributing information regarding Green Smoothie trail maintenance.

In short, Green Smoothie will be closed for two weeks starting today – 21 April.

Please respect this closure and stay off the trail while this work is under way. It will be beneficial in the long run.

Bike SA are also organizing some trail design/building lessons for volunteers, so if you’re interested in that, shoot an email to for more information.

Bike SA message:

Trail Closure at Cudlee Creek
Please be advised that the Green Smoothie trail at Cudlee Creek will be closed for upgrade work from Tuesday 21 April for a period of 2 weeks.
Following on from IMBA “trail guru” Joey Kline’s visit a few months ago, Bike SA has contracted an IMBA trail specialist to take this trail to the next level.
There will be heavy machinery on the trail and plenty of signage notifying riders of the closure – so please spread the word. NO RIDING!
Apologies for the inconvenience but we are sure the delays will be worth it!!
As part of our agreement with IMBA, we are providing some trail design/build opportunities for volunteers to come and learn the latest in international best practice. If you are keen to lend your hands on trail and learn from the best in the business, please email with you availabilities.
Bike SA acknowledges the great support of the Office for Recreation and Sport in funding this project.
General News

Transponders and the future of registration

All competitors would have been exposed to the system we’ve been trialing over the summer series by which the club has been issuing both a race plate and a transponder for use at the races. Now that the summer series is over, the club has decided to move in this direction for good. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain this decision away.

Want to know what to do with your current transponder? Click here.

Why change?
The club has recognized that the current transponder ownership/hire system creates more work for the person entering registrations into the timing system. The current process involves checking transponder numbers entered, assigning hire transponders where required, importing from one database to another (Register Now to MyLaps) and updating the MyLaps database. The new system will be one simple import from a spreadsheet and the registration coordinator can double check transponders at the same time – in bulk. It also saves on time because it removes the need to create race packs, this will also save on resources – paper, bags, etc. – in the long run.

How will the new system work?
The new system removes transponder ownership from competitors and puts all the transponders in the clubs hands. At each race competitors will be issued a race plate and transponder that is to be returned at the end of each race.

What’s the benefit to the club?
The major benefit is the simplification of registration the day prior to an event. The old process took on average nearly 6 hours of double checking, correcting, packaging and data entry. The process over the summer series has taken, on average, two hours. The new system has seen fewer errors on race day and less stress on the timing and registration personnel. On top of this, it means that the club will have a large pool of transponders to call on if required for larger events. MyLaps are also moving to a subscription service for the transponders, so it is much easier for the club to manage this into the future.

What’s the downside to the club?
Cost. The transponders are not cheap and this is the reason the club did not go down this avenue from the beginning.

What about my current transponder?
The club is aware that there are many people who have recently purchased transponders from us. With this in mind, we are offering a full refund to anyone who purchased a transponder from Jan 2014 to current. If you purchased a transponder from the club prior to this, a modified version of the clubs transponder buy back policy will apply, the original is available here. The modified policy will be:

  • Less then 1 year old = you’ll get a full refund
  • 1-2 year old = $40
  • 2-3 year old = $30
  • 3+ years = $10 (it’s had a good run!)

If you wish to, you can hold onto your transponder – if you use it at other clubs races (WVCC for example, use the same timing system).

The club is interested in taking back all old transponders to assist with building a stock pile of hire transponders – dead or not. We will still be looking to refurbish transponders as required. With this in mind, if you have an old one laying around that no longer works, feel free to throw it at us – if it comes with a race plate, even better!

Who to talk to?
To arrange the return of your transponder, discuss the decision or wish to query your refund eligibility, send an email to

We can arrange a convenient drop off location for you and either bank transfer or cash reimbursement, depending on what suits. Please allow some notice if a cash refund is preferred.

General News

Summer Series Round 4 results

We had a couple of accidents requiring ambulance attention. As a result, there was one major adjustment to the A Graders – Ben Hogarth stopping to ensure that both patients would make it to hospital. His results have been adjusted from 8th to 4th as compensation.

Neil Penno (I think it was you – let me know if it wasn’t – or who it was) also given a 5 minute bonus for motoring up the fire road (and returning to his course exit point to re-enter) to notify officials of a crash.

Preliminary results are now up – if you have any disputes, questions or ideas – email Results will be finalised at 6pm on Wednesday 01st April 2015.

The next round is the opening race for the Elite Winter Series – Hammer Nutrition 4 hour Enduro at Fox Creek – 19 April 2015. Click here to register!

If you constantly forget to register for races – you can register for all AMBC 2015 winter series races. There will be no discount for doing this – a few members have asked for this to be facilitated though, so here you go! Click here for 2015 AMBC XC Series Registration

Wishing a speedy recovery to those injured today.

Big thanks to the medical providers today – St. Johns and SA Ambulance service. We know it’s your job, but your assistance is always appreciated.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

General News

Summer Series Round 2 draft results

Draft results are out for the second round of the Summer Series! The weather was a bit random but the racing was excellent and fun was had. We had 80 riders on track and it was great to see plenty of juniors out there taking it to the adults.

A big thanks to the volunteers who made the race possible:

  • Track preparation and pruning
    • Eric Lock
  • Track setup
    • David Knight (Committee)
    • Griff Knight
    • Luke Hallam (Committee)
    • Oliver Hallam
  • Car marshal
    • Scott Denton (Committee)
  • Registration
    • Geoff Luders
    • Robyn Couch (Committee)
    • Evelyn Denton
  • Timing
    • Scott Keneally (Committee)
  • Track packup
    • Tim Klein
    • James Irving

If you lost a Garmin Heart Rate Monitor strap or a rear red light during the race please e-mail

The next summer series round will be open for registration later tonight (Register Now link below). See you there!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Summer Series Info | Register Now