General News

Transponders and the future of registration

All competitors would have been exposed to the system we’ve been trialing over the summer series by which the club has been issuing both a race plate and a transponder for use at the races. Now that the summer series is over, the club has decided to move in this direction for good. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain this decision away.

Want to know what to do with your current transponder? Click here.

Why change?
The club has recognized that the current transponder ownership/hire system creates more work for the person entering registrations into the timing system. The current process involves checking transponder numbers entered, assigning hire transponders where required, importing from one database to another (Register Now to MyLaps) and updating the MyLaps database. The new system will be one simple import from a spreadsheet and the registration coordinator can double check transponders at the same time – in bulk. It also saves on time because it removes the need to create race packs, this will also save on resources – paper, bags, etc. – in the long run.

How will the new system work?
The new system removes transponder ownership from competitors and puts all the transponders in the clubs hands. At each race competitors will be issued a race plate and transponder that is to be returned at the end of each race.

What’s the benefit to the club?
The major benefit is the simplification of registration the day prior to an event. The old process took on average nearly 6 hours of double checking, correcting, packaging and data entry. The process over the summer series has taken, on average, two hours. The new system has seen fewer errors on race day and less stress on the timing and registration personnel. On top of this, it means that the club will have a large pool of transponders to call on if required for larger events. MyLaps are also moving to a subscription service for the transponders, so it is much easier for the club to manage this into the future.

What’s the downside to the club?
Cost. The transponders are not cheap and this is the reason the club did not go down this avenue from the beginning.

What about my current transponder?
The club is aware that there are many people who have recently purchased transponders from us. With this in mind, we are offering a full refund to anyone who purchased a transponder from Jan 2014 to current. If you purchased a transponder from the club prior to this, a modified version of the clubs transponder buy back policy will apply, the original is available here. The modified policy will be:

  • Less then 1 year old = you’ll get a full refund
  • 1-2 year old = $40
  • 2-3 year old = $30
  • 3+ years = $10 (it’s had a good run!)

If you wish to, you can hold onto your transponder – if you use it at other clubs races (WVCC for example, use the same timing system).

The club is interested in taking back all old transponders to assist with building a stock pile of hire transponders – dead or not. We will still be looking to refurbish transponders as required. With this in mind, if you have an old one laying around that no longer works, feel free to throw it at us – if it comes with a race plate, even better!

Who to talk to?
To arrange the return of your transponder, discuss the decision or wish to query your refund eligibility, send an email to

We can arrange a convenient drop off location for you and either bank transfer or cash reimbursement, depending on what suits. Please allow some notice if a cash refund is preferred.

General News

Summer Series Round 4 results

We had a couple of accidents requiring ambulance attention. As a result, there was one major adjustment to the A Graders – Ben Hogarth stopping to ensure that both patients would make it to hospital. His results have been adjusted from 8th to 4th as compensation.

Neil Penno (I think it was you – let me know if it wasn’t – or who it was) also given a 5 minute bonus for motoring up the fire road (and returning to his course exit point to re-enter) to notify officials of a crash.

Preliminary results are now up – if you have any disputes, questions or ideas – email Results will be finalised at 6pm on Wednesday 01st April 2015.

The next round is the opening race for the Elite Winter Series – Hammer Nutrition 4 hour Enduro at Fox Creek – 19 April 2015. Click here to register!

If you constantly forget to register for races – you can register for all AMBC 2015 winter series races. There will be no discount for doing this – a few members have asked for this to be facilitated though, so here you go! Click here for 2015 AMBC XC Series Registration

Wishing a speedy recovery to those injured today.

Big thanks to the medical providers today – St. Johns and SA Ambulance service. We know it’s your job, but your assistance is always appreciated.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Summer Series Round 4 final reminder

Don’t forget to register for the final round by 10am tomorrow (Saturday) – click here

The race is in the top section of Eagle MTB Park and parking will be around this area. If you’re driving up, enter off the old free-way (Mt. Barker Rd) and follow the main fire road all the way through to the other side – you’ll see a bunch of us standing around looking important.

If you’re riding up – you can enter from either side. You are also awesome. Because riding rocks. I should know, I do it.

The course is a good one. Great lead in to the winter series of races. Typical Eagle MTB Park surfaces – pro tip (well, I’m almost pro) = a Maxxis Ardent up front was/is probably not the right tyre choice, but it did make do for a couple of practice laps.

For those who are wondering, the club is changing the way we do registrations. As a result there is no option for a race pack. More info on this will be given later, but for now, know that it is not a glitch – you do not need to purchase a race pack for the day.

I think this is in the race as well. Everyone should at least try to ride it……logs are FUN! Just ask Ren and Stimpy –

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Summer Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Round 4 of the Summer Series

Well, Summer is finally over, but we’re less than conventional – so what’s one more round before we get started on the serious stuff!

The final Summer Series round is on this weekend – Sunday 29 March. Racing for everyone to be had at Eagle MTB Park. Grades catering for all fitness levels from 2 through to 6+ laps!

Summer rounds are aimed to deliver short and fast racing with no prizes – just the glory of MTBing!

Registrations close at 10am Saturday 28 March – strictly no late entries. If you have any issues entering, send an email to BEFORE cut off.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Summer Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

2015 Winter(ish) Race schedule

AMBC have allocated the winter Hammer Nutrition Enduros, Giant XCOs and AMBC State Champs some tidy race dates. Keep an eye on the website and our Facebook page for any changes. So get ready to lock these events into your calendar:

Hammer Nutrition 4hr Enduros:

  1. 19 Apr 2015 – Fox Creek
  2. 31 May 2015 – Prospect Hill
  3. 21 Jun 2015 – Craigburn Farm

Giant Adelaide XCOs:

  1. 02 Aug 2015 – Eagle MTB Park
  2. 13 Sep 2015 – Mt. Torrens Township
  3. 11 Oct 2015 – Craigburn Farm

AMBC State Chamionships:

  • 08 Nov 2015 – Fox Creek

All locations could change depending on a number of factors (Fire Danger rating, rained out, etc.). Make sure you keep an eye on the website and/or Facebook page for any information regarding venue changes.

Registration for all AMBC races will open at 4:00pm on the day of the previous race.

The club calendar has been updated, with links to locations and registration.

The Elite Winter Series will be on again this year. Prizes down to 10th place and awarded at the State Champs race as well (that’s the plan anyway). For last year results, check out the results page – remember their were only 4 qualifying females last year!

There will be a price increase to $30 for all AMBC races this year. The committee has made this decision based on a few factors, but primarily due to the club moving towards a streamlined registration style for the registration coordinator. There will be more on this in the near future.


GESA – Gravity Enduro (GE)

The GESA gentlemen have also been prepping themselves for the coming season. Some tentative dates have been established.

Gravity Enduro SA (website yet to be updated):

  1. 28 Jun – Cobbler Creek
  2. 26 Jul – Eagle MTB Park
  3. 30 Aug – Fox Creek
  4. 27 Sep – Mystery Round!

Any GESA related inquiries should be directed to the GESA website or GESA Facebook page – Facebook recommended. The events are managed by a separate sub-committee.

Port Adelaide Cycling Club – Cyclocross (CX)

PACC also have some tentative dates going around for their winter CX series:

  1. 24 May
  2. 05 Jul
  3. 19 Jul
  4. 16 Aug
  5. 27 Sep (State Champs)

PACC will also be hosting round 7 & 8 of the national CX round to be held on the 29/30 Aug 2015.

CX races are all held in the locality of the Adelaide park-lands and you’ll need to check the PACC CX website or their Facebook page for details as they are released.

Inside Line – Downhill (DHI)

If Downhill is your thing as well, check out InsideLines website for their 2015 race schedule – once again, any inquiries regarding downhill should be directed to InsideLine.

  1. 11-12 Apr
  2. 16-17 May
  3. 13-14 Jun
  4. 18-19 Jul
  5. 15-16 Aug
  6. 19-20 Sep
  7. 17-18 Oct (State Champs)