General News

2015 Australian Masters Games


AMBC is proud to announce that it will be hosting the MTB round of the Australian Masters Games. Details are:

Competition Dates: Saturday 10 October 2015

Venue: Craigburn Farm MTB Park, Craigburn Road, Craigburn

Age Groups: 30-39, 40-49, 50-59. 60-69, 70+

This is a separate event to AMBCs Giant XCO Round 2 being held on 11th October.

Seriously, I’m looking at the array of sports on offer in these games and you can compete in Bocce, Futsal (I think that’s indoor soccer), parachuting (seriously!), ROLLER DERBY (OMG – dust of those roller skates – YES!) and probably my favourite – true grit (I’m pretty gritty)!

Age is determined by your age as of 31st December 2015. So if you’re in the lucky category like me – turning 30 in May – YOU’RE TOTALLY ELIGIBLE!

The official word from the guys over at Australian Masters Games:

Entries are now open for the 15th Australian Masters Games to be held in Adelaide this October.

The Games are a great excuse for a week away with friends, whilst enjoying the sport you love and a busy Games social program. Apart from meeting the minimum age requirement, in most sports there is no qualifying standard, so players of all levels and abilities are welcome.

New in 2015, the Airbnb Games Village will be hosted indoors in the heart of Adelaide’s CBD at the world-class Adelaide Convention Centre. The village will feature great food, drinks and nightly entertainment.

Stay tuned for further announcements, including the release of the exciting social program.

You can enter now by visiting

By entering now during the Gold Entry window (closes Friday 1 May) you will receive a reduced Games entry fee of $99* and become a Gold Participant which entitles you to:

  • A special edition Games label pin
  • Distinct gold accreditation
  • Priority access at the Airbnb Games Village for accreditation collection.

You can help to recruit your team-mates by printing and posting at your club, workplace or venue, one of our eye-catching promotional posters. You can download a copy by visiting the sports information pages, click here


General News

Green Smoothie closure

Image  from Kaneophoto – check out his work, it’s rad –

Bike SA have been distributing information regarding Green Smoothie trail maintenance.

In short, Green Smoothie will be closed for two weeks starting today – 21 April.

Please respect this closure and stay off the trail while this work is under way. It will be beneficial in the long run.

Bike SA are also organizing some trail design/building lessons for volunteers, so if you’re interested in that, shoot an email to for more information.

Bike SA message:

Trail Closure at Cudlee Creek
Please be advised that the Green Smoothie trail at Cudlee Creek will be closed for upgrade work from Tuesday 21 April for a period of 2 weeks.
Following on from IMBA “trail guru” Joey Kline’s visit a few months ago, Bike SA has contracted an IMBA trail specialist to take this trail to the next level.
There will be heavy machinery on the trail and plenty of signage notifying riders of the closure – so please spread the word. NO RIDING!
Apologies for the inconvenience but we are sure the delays will be worth it!!
As part of our agreement with IMBA, we are providing some trail design/build opportunities for volunteers to come and learn the latest in international best practice. If you are keen to lend your hands on trail and learn from the best in the business, please email with you availabilities.
Bike SA acknowledges the great support of the Office for Recreation and Sport in funding this project.
AMBC Races

Hammer Nutrition Round 1 results

Results are up on the website – click here to go to the results page. The Elite series table will be up by the end of the week (probably).

Big thanks to all the volunteers who helped out.

Great turn out of racers.

Next round is at Prospect Hill on 31st May

The calendar page – click here – has been revamped and has registration links to ALL the races for the rest of the year.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Transponders for Round 1

Well, what a lovely turn out we’ve got lined up for tomorrow. Just over 120 competitors (including team members). This is great to see and should make for a great race.

My predicament is that I don’t have enough transponders to cover every one. SO, if you own a transponder, and wish to give it back to the club, can you bring it along tomorrow for use in the race.

After the race, we can take it off your hands and arrange an EFT payment for it based on its age during the next week. *Make sure I (PT) take note of your details to ensure this happens*

This is a problem that should be solved after this round.

Look forward to seeing everyone out there!


AMBC Races

Hammer Nutrition Round 1 and FATCHAT!

Yes! The first round of the Hammer Nutrition enduro series is on this weekend. Registration has been open for forever, so if you haven’t got around to that, well, get around to that. Click here to be awesome. If you’re stuggling to be awesome because of reasons – internet is slow, cat GIFs are chewing up your bandwidth or Netflix is finally playing after 4 days of buffering – send an email to and we’ll sort something out.

We head up to Fox Creek for this round, an excellent prelude to the upcoming Dirty Weekend. So if it’s practice you want, it’s practice you’ll get. Smooth loamy forrests, rocky sections on the crops out yonder and not returning from knolls, all fun times to be had.

If you’re after info on the Enduro series – click here. Pretty basic concept – ride for 4 hours and try and beat the person in front of you. If you’re leading, well, good for you. Keep it up.

Also the first round of the Elite series. Make sure you get on board if you want to be eligible to win some cold, hard CASSSSHHHHHHHH!!! at the end of the year.

If you’re looking for enthusiasm and excitement building, well check out the return issue of FATCHAT! Yes, that’s right, a studious club member was recently exposed to an age old club tradition (thanks Aurelia) and decided it’d be a good way to amuse herself. So thanks to Chelsea (with inspiration being received from previous editor – Carlos – through reading), here it is:

Low-resolution version – for copper phone line Internet connections (about 1.5M)
High-resolution version – for optic fibre and looking at REAL pretty pictures (about 5.5M)

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now