AMBC Races General News

Reminder: Hammer Nutrition XC Enduro this Sunday


Register now for the Hammer Nutrition XC Enduro Series Race 3 at Eagle Park, Sunday 21st of July 2013.

Registrations close online, Saturday 20th of July at 10am.

Race sign-on at 08:15am, race start 09:00am. The winner is the competitor or duo that completes the most laps, where no additional laps may begin after the 4 hour period. Total race time is used to rank riders who complete an equal number of laps.

Please note, there will be no “on the day” registration that has occurred in the past.

General News

MyLaps Live Results app

Some of you may have noticed that we have been testing and implementing some new ideas for races. One of these features is the new MyLaps app. The app will enable users to log into the local wireless timing network “AMBC Timing” and receive results from the timing system.

The app gives basic data for each competitor such as –

  1. Overall placing
  2. Race number
  3. Place in class
  4. Class
  5. “Driver” aka name or team name
  6. Number of completed laps

plus a few other features that are dependent on screen size and orientation. The attached picture is an example of the app running on my Asus Transformer tablet.

MyLaps charge $0.99 for the app on the

Google Play store

Apple iStore

If you’d like to see the app in action before you make the big leap, see P’An-Tau (The Timekeeper) on race day for a live demonstration.To confirm the IP address to enter into the app, see the Timekeeper on race day – it will usually be though.

MyLaps app screenshot TF100

General News

Parking vehicles at Craigburn

Dear members,
Due to local council restrictions, only approved vehicles for setting up the event may enter past the gate on Craigburn Drive. AMBC volunteers will keep the gate locked, so please keep in mind you’ll need to arrive extra early to walk your gear down to the race track from the car park at the Blackwood Football Club.
As always, please be extra careful to avoid all forms of litter, including organic matter such as banana peels. In future this may help to demonstrate to relevant parties that we respect the local area enough to allow access to park on Craigburn Drive.
Evan James, Race Director
(Posted on behalf of Ev)
General News

Summer Series Race 1 – Postponed

Due to the high fire risk and the high number of volunteers needed to manage the event due to the fire risk, the Adelaide Mountain Bike Club committee has taken the decision to postpone Sundays event at Craigburn Farm. A new date will be advised after Monday nights club meeting.

Any current entries will be held for the new date, once this is finalised.

We apologise to anyone who was eager to race, but we don’t take these decisions lightly and have to take many factors into account. After considering all the options the best decision was to cancel Sundays event and place another date into the calendar and hope for better conditions on the future dates.

Just a reminder that the club has number of committee positions vacant, including Race Director and President. If you are interested, please attend the general club meeting on Monday evening, which is open to any mountain bikers, club members and non-members.

In the interests of safety, please keep an eye on the Parks SA website to check for park closures due to fire risks. Or, check the full list of park closures.

You can also subscribe to their updates, and be sure to select ‘Fire News’ so you can receive their emails in case you forget to check for park closures.

All forest reserves are closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days.

General News

Reminder – Last event for the year, AGM and presentation night

Dont forget that the AMBC Annual General Meeting is to be held on Monday 26 November 2012.
Venue: Hackney Hotel (meals and drinks will be available)
Time: 6pm sharp

There are some formalities before we get into the presentation of prizes to the winners of the Giant Adelaide 2012 XCO Series points table. Please RSVP to Louise so that we have an idea of numbers.

The AGM is a fundamental part of the Club year.  At the AGM all Committee positions are declared vacant and up for election. It is critical to the success of your Club and its races to have a strong committee to continue to run events.

To give everyone an idea of what positions are available the Club Role Descriptions are here, including more than just committee positions. If you are interested in nominating for a committee position, or filling one of the other roles, please contact the Club