General News

2018 Race Director

I am announcing that I will not be continuing as Race Director with AMBC next year (2018). It goes without saying that this position is vital to ensure continued racing. A brief summary of the positions duties are as follows:

  • Applying for trail access requests;
  • Course preparation;
  • Distributing course maps and GPX files;
  • Ensuring logistics are organised – toilet, catering, first aid, etc.
  • Course marking and HQ set up;
  • Course and HQ pack down;
  • On the day race directing;

It goes without saying that these duties can be shared across people (and often are), but these are the primary duties that fall on the Race Directors shoulders.

I will be informally hanging around in the background to offer assistance and advice where and if required. There are also a number of committee members who are able to help and guide if required.

If you’d like to know further, feel free to contact or come and have a chat with me at the State Champs!

P’An-Tau Jiricek-Scott

General News

State champs and a fresh roll of FatChat

new AMBC logo

Do you have good intentions to race the State Champs? Have you registered yet? if you haven’t, you should. It’s way more fun to race than not. Even the time keeper is going to try!

Plenty of information to filter through on the dedicated State Champs page – click here – and if you’ve still got questions after carefully examining the page with lawyer eyes, feel free to email and we’ll see what ails you.

Register Now | Race Location | State Champs Info

Join AMBC today

Remember that the State Champs will also incorporate the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Now is the time to elect for any position on the committee. If you feel you can assist in any way, then let us know. We have quite a few vacant positions that need filling for next year – two are race critical:

  1. Registration Coordinator
  2. Timing Coordinator (can’t race – paid position)
  3. Media Coordinator
  4. Sponsorship Coordinator
  5. Secretary

To nominate, email

All positions are declared vacant and any positions that have two or more nominations will be put to a vote by club members only. It is much easier to do this if we know in advance.



FatChat episode 5 for 2015 has arrived. Well, it arrived on the 15th, but it’s been a busy time. Better late than never though!

Head over to the freshly created FatChat page – click here – to get the latest print!


The results page has also been updated with the final Giant XCO round results and the final standings for the Elite Winter Series. Please check over this and if you spot any errors or wish to offer bribes to secure your spot – email – and we’ll see what can be arranged.

Congratulations to our XC series winners – Tom Goddard and Terri Rhodes – both riders giving strong performances in every race they rode.

Prizes will be awarded at the State Champs.

AMBC Races

AGM, Final Giant XCO and Masters Games


The final round of the Giant XCO is upon us this weekend. The race is it Craigburn and we need the usual crew of volunteers to help out on the day:

  • BBQ MasterChef – flip a sausage or two. Maybe chop some onions.
  • Course pack up – always a favourite after smashing down a Solo.
  • Registration desk – get to know people and their plates.

REGISTRATION CLOSES: 10 am Sat 10th Oct so make sure you click on THIS LINK and go through the steps. If you have any dramas, shoot an email to BEFORE 10am Sat.


The MTB leg of the Australian Masters Games is on the Saturday before the race. If you haven’t entered, you’re basically missing the Masters Games, but feel free to come along and politely heckle the competitors.


A final note for this post is the announcement of the clubs Annual General Meeting. All members should have received an email with more details. If you’re not a member and are interested in helping the committee, you’re more than welcome to. We’ll sort out a MTBA membership and free race entries if that’s your thing (so long as you’re not timing). The club is particularly looking to fill the following positions:

  • Secretary
  • Registration Coordinator
  • Timing Coordinator
  • Media Coordinator
  • Sponsorship Coordinator

If you think you can help out, send a very informal “I’d like to help with (insert role)” to

The AGM will be held at the State Champs on 08th November 2015 at aprox. 2pm – just before presentations.

Gravity Enduro South Australia are also looking for a couple of people to step up and assist with organising the races for next year. If you’re interested in that, head over to their Facebook page and shoot them a message.

LINKS | Register Now | Race Location | XCO Series Info

Elite Series Info | Join AMBC today




General News

AGM Details

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place right before presentations for the State Champs. This will be at around 2:00pm. The official proceedings will take about 5-10 minutes and cover the financials of the club for the year and the committee members for 2015.

At the AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are taken for all committee positions. If more than one person nominates for any one committee position, the position goes to a vote from the present club members.

To keep things quick the club would appreciate any nominations for any committee positions prior to the day. Please send nominations to or contact the club mobile on 0408 840 610.

Committee positions are available on the Contact page and if you have any questions about any of the positions you are encouraged to send an email to the relevant address listed for the position.


AMBC Races

State Champs encompasses AGM

A reminder that we will be hosting the AGM at the state champs to ensure a good turn out of club members. If anyone is interested in nominating for any positions you can forward your expressions to

Committee positions are listed on the website here. Vacant positions will be listed closer to the date.

Registrations are open for the state champs. For this race we revert back to age categories with cash prizes for most categories. More info is available on the State Champs Page.

Age categories and laps (time based) are outlined in the MTBA technical regulations on page 20 of the National Technical Regs.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | State Champs Info | Register Now

Bring your race plates with you for a race plate round up. Let AMBC take care of your plate over the summer months so you can relax!