General News

Mid year FatChat


Hold on to your socks ladies and gentlemen, the latest epsiode of FatChat has just popped in. After gallivanting around the northern reaches of the state and brushing into the NT, Chelsea returned and dedicated herself to producing this issue – after eating a tub of ice cream and socialising, etc.

Low res – best for mobile and slow Internet

Hi res – to get the best of the pictures

What’s coming up? Well, a brief summary:

This weekend sees many of SAs CX riders head over to Canberra for rounds 5 & 6 of the national CX series – might not be as wet as here, but I’d wager it’s as cold! Good luck to everyone competing and I’m sure the SA crew will put in some strong results! I believe, but I’m not sure, that results will be posted on or around this page. At some point.

19th Jul – Next weekend sees the 3rd round of PACCs CX series somewhere in the parklands of Adelaide. Make sure you come along and see if you can top Andrew and Davids efforts on noise production and entertainment for the Elite grades! Click here for more info

David and Andrew providing noise and entertainment
David and Andrew providing noise and entertainment Photo courtesy of Tim Loft

26th Jul- The following weekend sees the 2nd Round of the GESA series head up to Eagle MTB Park with 6 stages planned for the elites, this should be a true test of the “enduro” part of GESA! For more info head over to the GESA website – click here

2nd Aug – Then we get to the first round of the Giant Adelaide XCO series which follows on from GESA at Eagle MTB Park. Eagle has always been a great race track and with its locality to Adelaide is a brilliant chance to get involved in the XCO scene. Grades for everyone! Check out the links below for more info!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | XCO Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

General News

MTBA petition for funding

AMBC-MTBAMore funds for MTBA to engage in elite and grass roots participation activities! What more could you want?

MTBA have released a petition to the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) and the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) to provide funding for Elite level and grass roots MTBing, much like they already do for Road, Track and BMX.

To check out the petition – click here – you can also sign it here.

Apparently they’re only looking for 100 “signatures”, pretty sure Adelaide alone could provide that.

General News

Reminder to register!


Round 2 of the Hammer Nutrition 4 hour enduro series is coming up on Sunday.

Entries close @ 10am tomorrow morning – online only. Click here to begin registration.

Course map has been released and set up will occur on Saturday starting from 09:30am. If you’re interested in helping, send an email to to confirm details.


If you’re keen to volunteer there are positions available for people of all experience:

  • BBQ – gourmet chef certificate is preferable but not essential. 2 people – server and a cooker
  • Track set-up – as detailed above. This is a good way to get a solid look at the trail prior to the race. Make sure you don’t miss a turn and go up a *steep* fire road.
  • Track pack-up – a good oppurtunity to go back over the course to have a laugh at the reminisce on all the fun you had in the last 4-5 hours.
  • Race HQ setup/packup – assist with important things like erecting marques, laying down cables, opening up trestle tables and other fun things. Then do it all in reverse order – just to spice it up!

If you can assist with any of these duties, email to get your name on the list! Remember, all volunteers get a free transferable race entry and access to a feed from the BBQ.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

General News

Bike SA Dirty Weekend

Photographer: Kane Naaraat from Kaneophoto

Pictured: Kevin Pullen on his way to victory

What a race! Plenty of competitors and plenty of club members getting out and having a crack and the trails over the 24 hours. Big thanks to Bike SA for putting on yet another marathon effort – both for the competitors and by the organizers!

Kevin Pullen coming away with the win in the solo 24 male with a god like effort of 32 laps.
Kate Penglase (Vic) taking out the solo 24 female with a convincing 26 laps – lovely to chat to on the ride as well.

If you want to check out the results they’re available from the Event Strategies results page – click here – plenty of number crunching fun to be had.

There’s some excellent photos up from Sam Bruce and Kaneophoto (Kane Naaraat). Please seek permission before using these photos. If you can, pitch in some dollars to help maintain their enthusiasm – camera gear is expensive! They both have avenues to purchase prints and/or high quality digital negatives.

Photographer: Sam Bruce – OTE Facebook page

Pictured: Duffman! (shameless self-reference!)

Well done to everyone who had a go at the race. Especially the ones that were going at the solo 24 for the first time. Some great efforts from many.

Don’t forget the next race is at Prospect Hill on 31st May 2015. The 2nd round of the Hammer Nutrition 4 hour Enduro series. Everyone should be in prime shape after the Dirty Weekend!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series Info | Elite Series Info | Register Now

General News

Committee Position Vacant: Secretary

Our current club secretary, Luke Hallam, is leaving little old Radelaide to pursue a life elsewhere. I’m sure he’ll find some flow somewhere in New Zealand, if he looks REALLY carefully.

As a result he has tendered his resignation as club Secretary. Luke has filled the role of Secretary for just over 18 months and AMBC thanks him for his time and commitment to the position.

SO – we (yes, that includes YOU if you’re a club member) are looking to fill this position. What does the secretary do? The role is defined by completing each task:

  1. Request Agenda items for meetings and disseminate to the committee.
  2. Take the minutes for each monthly meeting.
  3. Write and disseminate minutes to the committee and to the club members via the web site.
  4. Administer all correspondence to the club.

At the completion of each task, club XP is accumulated and can be spent on levelling up or purchasing new weapons to fight road warriors…..wait, wrong guild. Uh….Seriously though, you get all the cool benefits of being on the committee and this is one of the very few roles that races are not dependant on – so it leaves you free to race. All the races. So….

The role leaves the committee member free to race and enjoy all the perks of committee membership:

  • Free entry to ALL AMBC races (this includes GESA events)
  • Free AMBC/MTBA membership
  • Free email alias ( – just forwards to your email)
  • FREE warm fuzzy feelings of assisting the club
  • Put your $0.02 forward at all the meetings (sometimes you walk away with a $1.00…go figure).

The only requirement for this position is that you are able to attend most of the club meetings which will be held on the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise organised.

If you have any questions or would like to express interest, email or roll into the next committee meeting on the 11th May at The Wakefield Hotel (some notice would be nice though).