AMBC Races

Giant XCO Round 1 coming up!

The first round of the Giant XCO series is coming up this Sunday 10th August. Have you registered yet? If you have any issues registering, please email

First run sign-on opens at 08:30. Racing starts at 09:30

Second run sign-on opens at 10:30. Racing starts at 11:30

This round we head up to Eagle MTB Park where Dave Knight – race director – has eyed off a fast 5km loop that is sure to include some favourites!

Plenty of prizes on offer for 1st-3rd places in all categories – Giant workshop vouchers, Maxxis tyres, Paris Creek Dairy packs and more!

Parking and race start will be in the mezzanine area and the gates will be open for competitors and spectators to drive in – just make sure you don’t get locked in afterwards!

We are looking for volunteers to help with course pack-up. If you can help out, register your interest with Robyn Couch via email –

Giant Cycling World Adelaide have generously supplied a major draw prize for the end of the year – valued at around $3000! To be in the draw to win it, you must have raced in at least three AMBC races and be at the end of year function (not the AGM) – so if you didn’t get to any of the Hammer Nutrition Enduros, make sure you come along to the XCO rounds so you qualify!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | XCO Series General Info | Register Now

AMBC Races

Results – Summer Series Race 3

Results are up for the Summer Series Race 3 – check the results page!

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out today to make everything flow well. Thanks to all the racers for, well, racing! There were no left over sausages for my dinner tonight, so it looks like it was a hit once again!

When is the next race???? Well, I’m glad you asked. The committee has been working in the background to put together the 2014 race calendar.

This year we kick off with the Hammer Nutrition 4 hour Enduro Round 1 on 06th April 2014 – click here enter. The 2014 Enduro series page contains all the information for enduros.

We’ve also added the Elite Series this year – cash prizes for series winners – check out the page for all the details – click here

Series entry is also an option this year. Series entry is for the 3 x Hammer Nutrition 4 hour Enduros and 3 x Giant XCOs. Check out the Elite Series page for more info on gaining your discount series entry – click here – you don’t have to be racing in the Elite categories to get the discount. Series entry will be open until 10am 05th April 2014.

AMBC Races

Reminder – Summer Series Race 3

Don’t forget to register for the race by 10am Saturday! If you have any issues, send an email to

Just for a change we have made the start/finish up the top – see the race map. Entry will still be through the main gate off the old free-way, but we will be allowing parking closer to the start/finish. If you arrive early and no-one else has parked, please ask a race official where and how to park. If everyone else is already there, please follow the trend that has been set and don’t block the main road through the park.

A course map is available here – thanks to Evan James, Dennis Richards and Tim Loft for their assistance in track set up.

Toilets will be available this time around – we’ll even bring some back up toilet paper just in case!

We are still looking for a couple of volunteers for some track marshalling – all volunteers will receive a transferable entry and a free BBQ feed and soft drink. email

If anyone is interested in the pre-ride arranged for Saturday morning, please e-mail to register your interest.

General Summer Series information is here.

The club has printed a number of petition papers for the “A Metre Matters” campaign, for people to sign. They will be available at the registration/sign-on desk. More information is available on the Amy Gillett Foundation website.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2014 Summer Series | Register Now

AMBC Races

One week until Summer Series Race 3

If you liked the BBQ and soft drinks at the last race, we are looking for two volunteers to run it this time around – all they’ll need to do is cook and accept donations, BBQ, BBQ gear and food will be brought up by the club.

Other volunteers required for the race will be:

  • two road marshals on the day
  • two sign on volunteers on the day – handing out race packs
  • one track set up for Friday 14th

All volunteers will receive a sausage, drink and a free, transferable race entry – i.e. your friend, relative, third detached cousin from interstate, can use it so longs as they’re a MTBA member (other wise there’s a $20 race license fee for insurance purposes).

Contact if you’re interested.

Don’t forget to register for the race by 10am Saturday! If you have any issues, send an email to

There will be a course pre ride on Saturday 15th at 8:15am at the main gate off the old freeway. You MUST be registered for the race in order to attend. Please register your interest by emailing by 8:00pm, Fri 14th.

General Summer Series information is here.

There is also currently a petition making the rounds regarding enforcing a minimum distance while overtaking cyclists. The club will have a number of petition sheets for people to sign at the registration desk at this race and the next summer series race. More information is available on the Amy Gillett Foundation website.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2014 Summer Series | Register Now

General News

Fire ban update

The CFS have issued a fire ban rating if EXTREME. This means that Eagle MTB Park will only be open to racers and event officials.

Morning registration has been moved to the Comfort Inn

For more information click here.