General News

AGM Details

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place right before presentations for the State Champs. This will be at around 2:00pm. The official proceedings will take about 5-10 minutes and cover the financials of the club for the year and the committee members for 2015.

At the AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are taken for all committee positions. If more than one person nominates for any one committee position, the position goes to a vote from the present club members.

To keep things quick the club would appreciate any nominations for any committee positions prior to the day. Please send nominations to or contact the club mobile on 0408 840 610.

Committee positions are available on the Contact page and if you have any questions about any of the positions you are encouraged to send an email to the relevant address listed for the position.


General News

Human Projectiles: Fox Creek grant

A proposal has been put forward by the Human Projectiles (The group behind iconic tracks such as Green Smoothie, Middle Earth, Dirty Little Secret and Ant Logic), outlining how a requested $19,000 grant would be used to both extend the trail network and improve existing facilities at Fox Creek Mountain Bike Park in the Adelaide Hills.

The Proposal was sitting at the number 1 spot for quite some time, however it has now dropped back to third. To be eligible for any funding at all, the proposal must be in the top 3, however, the number one spot would be great to maximise our chance or receiving the full $19,000.

Hence, we are asking that you all take 3 minutes of your time to sign up and vote for this proposal, as the voting closes AT 5PM MONDAY, 3RD NOVEMBER. Currently there is ONLY 2% DIFFERENCE IN VOTES SEPARATING THE TOP 6 PROPOSALS, so every last vote is need to get this proposal over the line….and more trails has to be a good thing, right?

So please take 3 minutes out of your busy day to vote for this proposal, then share it amongst your friends and colleagues, knowing that these few minutes of time can lead to a huge improvement in one of South Australia’s best mountain bike trail networks.

Here is the link:

General News

School Sport MTB Challenge

Club race director David Knight is organising the School Sport Mountain Bike Challenge. To be held on Wednesday 22nd October at Craigburn farm MTB trails, the event is a great opportunity to get children involved in mountain biking. The entry cost is $8.00.

Catering for individuals and teams for competitors ranging from year 6 through to year 12. The information sheet and entry form is available here – 2014-Schools-MTB-Information-and-Nomination-forms

Any questions about the event can be directed to David Knight through

General News

Results for Round 2 of the Giant XCO Series are up!

Some great weather greeted the event this morning – sunny and 26.

The short course at Flinders Uni of 4.2 km seemed to have the desired effect and had people huffing and puffing across the line each lap.

A huge thank you to Betina Denton for picking up some BBQ goods on her way to the race. The sausages were enjoyed by all who indulged!

Thanks to the quiet achievers who helped out with some of the trail prep – David Clark, Billy Somerville, Geoff Luders and Jason Morrison.

Luke Hallam has provided some photos from the event as well – check them out here

Results are up on the results page and the Championship table has been updated.

Next race is on the 19th October at Cobbler Creek. Directions are available here and registration is open now – click here

General News

Giant XCO Round 1 results are up

Preliminary results are up – click here

There was a little bit of confusion with C Grades results – the modified standings are:

  1. Adam Smith
  2. Damien Hall
  3. Geoff Luders – corrected with manual entries after transponder failed
  4. Martin Kennedy – started with B-Graders – -50 seconds to bring you back in line with C-Grade start
  5. Erik Lock

Apologies about the confusion on location.

For any other queries, email and we can discuss.

Next race is open for registration – click here – back at the Flinders Uni course!