AMBC Races

One week until Summer Series Race 3

If you liked the BBQ and soft drinks at the last race, we are looking for two volunteers to run it this time around – all they’ll need to do is cook and accept donations, BBQ, BBQ gear and food will be brought up by the club.

Other volunteers required for the race will be:

  • two road marshals on the day
  • two sign on volunteers on the day – handing out race packs
  • one track set up for Friday 14th

All volunteers will receive a sausage, drink and a free, transferable race entry – i.e. your friend, relative, third detached cousin from interstate, can use it so longs as they’re a MTBA member (other wise there’s a $20 race license fee for insurance purposes).

Contact if you’re interested.

Don’t forget to register for the race by 10am Saturday! If you have any issues, send an email to

There will be a course pre ride on Saturday 15th at 8:15am at the main gate off the old freeway. You MUST be registered for the race in order to attend. Please register your interest by emailing by 8:00pm, Fri 14th.

General Summer Series information is here.

There is also currently a petition making the rounds regarding enforcing a minimum distance while overtaking cyclists. The club will have a number of petition sheets for people to sign at the registration desk at this race and the next summer series race. More information is available on the Amy Gillett Foundation website.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2014 Summer Series | Register Now

General News

Results – Summer Series Race 2

What a HOOT that was! Looks like everyone was having a lot of fun.

Thanks to Scott Keneally for doing the timing for this round – results are here

Looks like everyone enjoyed the BBQ and soft drinks as well.

I saw a lot of smiles flowing around throughout the race and many fresh faces!

A few photos I managed to grab pre race start are here. If you have any photos to share, let the club know and we can link to them.

The next race for the summer series is now open for entries. The final summer series race takes us back up to Eagle MTB Park – Register Here

AMBC Races

Sundays race is still on!

Despite this amazing amount of rainfall, Adelaide City Council is still allowing us to run the race – they’ve asked us to just be nice to the really wet areas!

For those teams struggling to find a female or junior rider for your team, you can enter a team of males – with a catch! The catch will be that your team will start 1 lap down – when the first rider finishes their first lap – AND with a 2 minute time penalty! “Challenge accepted” anyone?

If you don’t have a team, enter on-line as an individual and we will allocate or create teams on the day. First in, first serve basis.

Your bicycle must have two wheels and have both a front and rear brake. Other than that it’s open choice – so CX bikes are OK to race with – no motors though!

All the information for the race is here

General Summer Series information is here

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2014 Summer Series | Register Now

AMBC Races

Summer Series Race 2 Reminder

Don’t forget to register for the race by 10am Saturday! If you have any issues, send an email to

Remember, it’s one Junior OR female rider in each team – there’s rumours of ladies forming entire teams themselves, so if you need a female for your team, ask around!

All the information for the race is here

General Summer Series information is here

We will be having a BBQ and soft drinks on offer at the race – a gold coin donation for each menu item!

There is also currently a petition making the rounds regarding enforcing a minimum distance while overtaking cyclists. The club will have a number of petition sheets for people to sign at the registration desk at this race and the next summer series race. More information is available on the Amy Gillett Foundation website.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2014 Summer Series | Register Now

AMBC Races

Summer Series Race 2

Entries for the second Summer Series race on – Sunday 16 Feb – are now open – enter here.

Location will be in Park 23 on the corner of Sir Donald Bradman Rd and West Tce – next to the cemetery – click here for Google Maps

Registration will open at 9am for a 10am race start.

On-line entries will close at 10am the Saturday before.

General Information

The second race will be a Pony Express team event. Teams will race for 90 minutes, with each team member completing laps in the order they start – i.e. rider 1, rider 2, rider 3, rider 4 and then repeat until all members have completed 3 laps each OR the time runs out.

Each team must have either a female rider OR a junior rider (under 18) in them.

The “baton” will be the teams race plate that will have to be transferred to the next team member every lap at the transition area. The club will provide race plates for any team that requires one at no extra cost – there will be a deposit required on the day to ensure we get it back (drivers license, credit card, etc.). If your team members already have a race plate, please nominate your teams plate (one plate) when registering.

This race will not be timed using the clubs usual timing system, so there is no need to bring your transponders.

The soft drinks will be on again, so bring your gold coins for an ice cold tinnie (soft drinks only). The club is looking into organising a BBQ – more details will follow soon!


Team entry is $40. If you don’t have a team of 4, you can still enter individually and we will allocate teams on the day. Individual entry is $15ea. Individual Junior entries are $10ea.

If you do not have a MTBA license, a day license is required for $20.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Summer Series General Info | Race registration