AMBC Races General News

Catering Update

Unfortunately due to personal reasons, Lea from “Hot Stuff Catering” has had to pull out from catering the event. Rory from “Let There Be Coffee” will still be at the race serving up hot beverages and a selection of snacks.

AMBC Races General News

2013 Giant XCO Series Round 3

Register now for the Giant XCO Series Round 3 at Prospect Hill, Sunday 13th October 2013.

The XCO series page has been updated with relevant race information for this years series – such as start and finish times (they have changed), presentations, sign-on and race plate info.

Please note, there will be no on-the-day registration, this event is strictly on line registration only. Registrations close the day prior at 10am.

Please be sure to resubscribe to AMBCs new email subscription system (as of 20th August), as the old system will soon be switched.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2013 Giant XCO Series | Register Now

General News

Transponder Exchange Program

As we near the 5 year mark for the incorporation of the MyLaps timing system, some of the transponders batteries may be starting to lose their charge. The club has found a company that refurbishes the batteries in the transponders and we have tested them with success.

As a result, the club will be offering a transponder exchange program where members can exchange a transponder that is no longer working, or near failing, for a refurbished one.

Refurbished transponders will be $45.00ea and are offered as a swap – that is, members must relinquish their old transponder in order to receive a refurbished one.

There will be an option to purchase refurbished transponders when you register for races and we will also be selling them at races, although correct change will be required as the club carries limited funds on the day.

All refurbished transponders will come with a 12 month warranty on the battery.

The company the club is using is Transponder Services – if members wish to arrange the repair of their own transponders, feel free to contact them directly.

General News

New email subscription system

AMBC are replacing the email subscription system. The new system will add user simplicity, and provide more timely delivery of emails.

Unfortunately, you must now resubscribe using the form in the sidebar of the website.

Previous subscriptions to AMBC will stop working from 1st September.

The two subscription systems will double-up during the brief transitional period in order to help ensure you don’t miss out on AMBC news. Apologies if you receive multiple emails during this time.

General News

Support Club Caterers

Bring your spud and coffee money tomorrow and support our brilliant club caterers Lee at “Hot Stuff” and Rory at “Let There Be Coffee”. It’s gonna be a great day!