General News

Support Club Caterers

Bring your spud and coffee money tomorrow and support our brilliant club caterers Lee at “Hot Stuff” and Rory at “Let There Be Coffee”. It’s gonna be a great day!


Volunteers WANTED – Eagle XCO Event this Sunday

Help is needed at registration, pre/post event gear set up/pack up and course pack up.
Any budding photographers?…your skills are also needed!
Every little bit helps!

For further information, contact Annie – or come to the van to offer your valuable services!
AMBC is powered by the energy, effort and enthusiasm of volunteers!


Volunteers Wanted

WANTED…riders, friends, family, spectators…anyone!
Please HELP us with pre/post event set up/pack up. Quick, easy 5 minute jobs, such as erecting tables, sponsor signs, collecting markers etc. A full list of jobs will be available at the club van or contact
The AMBC committee who are volunteers and also riders appreciate your help.