AMBC Races

Giant XCO Round 3 – Cobbler Creek

Round 3 of the winter series is fast approaching. This round sees us move into Cobbler Creek. Cobbler Creek is a fast paced terrain – loose over hard packed – so we should some fast racing.

We require the following volunteers for this race

  • 4 x course marshals – we would prefer 8 so that we can rotate people. If you’re raceing the 1st run session and can hang around to marshal for the 2nd run, this would be ideal and vice versa for those of you racing 2nd run, if you can marshal for the 1st run that would be great

These course marshals are essential and the race will not go ahead if we cannot fulfil this requirement

  • 2 x people to cook the BBQ – near enough to essential because I hear the time keeper gets grumpy if he doesn’t get his feed…..
  • 2 x registration volunteers – to oversee handing out race packs and making sure people put a tick in the box to notify that they are here!
  • 2-4 people to help with course set up on the Saturday before the race (18th Oct)
  • 2-4 people to help with course pack up on the day after racing has concluded

If you can volunteer any time, please email

Matthew Ackland – el Presidente – has scoped out the course and a map has been provided –


Club sponsor are hosting a skills session day on the 11th Oct. The session is limited to a maximum of 6 participants, so jump on over. Remember that the fee -$59 – also covers your race entry. Head over to to register.

AMBC is currently seeking people who maybe interested in overseeing on the day timing – we are looking at building up a team of 4-8 people to share this work load. If you think you may be interested, please email for more information.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | XCO Series General Info | Register Now

Gravity Enduro SA (GESA) News

GESA Round 2 – Eagle MTB Park

Entries for the second round of the GESA series close tomorrow at 10:30 pm. You can register here

Mother Russia – you may remember the delicious burgers on sale at the Dirty Weekend – will be there to cater for the event, so bring some change to get some delicious food into you.

More event info – and some video footage for some of the stages – is available on the Gravity Enduro SA page or on the GESA Facebook page

*Take note that some information is in the process of being updated on their website, so read carefully

This event is managed by a sub-committee of volunteers, all inquiries should be directed towards them via Facebook

Race Location | Join AMBC today | GESA Rules Register Now

General News

Results for Round 2 of the Giant XCO Series are up!

Some great weather greeted the event this morning – sunny and 26.

The short course at Flinders Uni of 4.2 km seemed to have the desired effect and had people huffing and puffing across the line each lap.

A huge thank you to Betina Denton for picking up some BBQ goods on her way to the race. The sausages were enjoyed by all who indulged!

Thanks to the quiet achievers who helped out with some of the trail prep – David Clark, Billy Somerville, Geoff Luders and Jason Morrison.

Luke Hallam has provided some photos from the event as well – check them out here

Results are up on the results page and the Championship table has been updated.

Next race is on the 19th October at Cobbler Creek. Directions are available here and registration is open now – click here

AMBC Races

Giant XCO Race 2 Start List

Curious who you’re up against tomorrow? Here’s a Start List!

See you tomorrow for some Cross Country MTB racing!


Volunteers for Giant XCO Round 2

If you’re interested in volunteering on Sunday at Flinders Uni get in contact with Robyn via

Positions that will require filling will be:

  • BBQ Cooker – an esteemed position that comes with the gratitude of many a by-stander and racer alike. If you know how to flip a sausage, then this position is for you!
  • Registration verifier – be there to help guide pen to paper so competitiors can tick themselves off the start list! Hand out show bags to eligible people (aka: race packs). If you know how to direct people across a table, this job is for you!
  • Course packer-upper – Want to squeeze in one last lap before “adult life” comes slamming back to the fore-front of your mind? Want to do it a little under race threshhold pace? This is the job for you!

All volunteers get:

  • a free feed off the club BBQ – includes a soft drink;
  • free, transferable, race entry – get your friends involved! – and
  • last but not least, that warm fuzzy feeling that lending a hand is bound to give you – I hear it’s better than a warm fire on a drizzly Monday morning!

Race Location | Join AMBC today | XCO Series General Info | Register Now