Results are up on the results page.
Next “race” is on the 06th December – End of year pony express – registation will be open later this week with more info to follow. The basic rules are:
Each team of 4 must contain at least one junior or one female. Teams race in a consistent order (i,e. rider 1, rider 2, rider 3, rider 4, rider 1, so forth) for two hours. Most laps completed “wins”. No prizes for “winners” although we may have some “random” prizes to give away. If you get my “drift”. What ever “that” means.
This when we’ll also draw the major Giant raffle prize. If you’re after a ticket send an email to and we can sort something out in the interim. Tickets will be available on the day as well. You do not need to be there to win it (official raffle rules).
That’s about all I have left for now…..