General News

Fire ban update

The CFS have issued a fire ban rating if EXTREME. This means that Eagle MTB Park will only be open to racers and event officials.

Morning registration has been moved to the Comfort Inn

For more information click here.

General News

Volunteers still needed

We still urgently require a few more volunteers for this weekends MTBA National Round at Eagle Park. Friday late afternoon/evening and Saturday all day. If you can only spare a few hours Saturday, still send an email through. No experience required, you get an event t-shirt, hat, food, water and a front row seat to the action. If you can spare a few hours please email More details here.

If you’re looking to be a spectator at the XCE event on Friday night, be mindful that if the CFS issue an EXTREME fire warning, only event officials and competitors will be allowed in the park. For up to date details, check the CFS fire ban page, Bureau of Meteorology and MTBA page.

General News

MTBA Subaru National Round 1


The MTBA Subaru Nationals Round 1 is this weekend. MTBA have extended the cut off for on-line entries until 8am Wednesday 15th January. So if you’re keen to race jump on over to the register now page here.

If you’re not interested in racing, but have time to spare, don’t forget we’re looking for volunteers for course marshalling and timing on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday. More details for volunteers are in this post.