AMBC Races General News Juniors Sponsors Volunteering

Summer XC starting 6th January

AMBC Summer XC Round 1- O’Halloran Hill Twilight Race, 6th January

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas break, now its time to start thinking about working off that pudding, testing out the new bling or better yet putting that new bike through its paces!! Summer XCO is back! Join us on Saturday the 6th of January for the first round of the AMBC Summer Cross Country Series, at the awesome O’Halloran Hill Trails! Fun for all!

If you’ve raced with us before then the summer race will be the same but shorter. If you haven’t then come and have a go, the shorter format is ideal for first timers and we still have plenty of categories to choose from to suit your ability. Because of the much shorter format (racing for approx. 1hr), THERE WILL BE NO TOILETS AT THE EVENT. Please plan ahead.

(Registration will close at 5pm on Friday 5th January)

Self seeded categories from A through D grade. Expect a lap to be around 3km in length with A grade times taking 10-12mins.
A- 5 laps
B- 4 laps
C- 3 laps
D- 2 laps

This is a twilight race starting in the late afternoon and finishing before sunset.  You won’t require any lights to race.
5:00pm rego opens
6:00pm race start
7:30pm event finish

Entry to O’Halloran Hill race location is off Majors Rd, opposite the fire station (ish): Information about the location can be found in our trails index and via an interactive trailforks map .

The race course, race HQ and parking locations will be announced closer to the date. A proposed course map will be posted on our facebook event and this post will be updated so remember to check back a day or two before the race.

Course will be set up earlier that afternoon. If anyone can help please get in touch with the club at  . We still need a couple volunteers to help pack up the course. It’s a short lap and won’t take long.

We need you. These races happen with the good work done by our vollies. If you are available to help set up or pack up or assist with anything else at any of our races please email Aurelia Strozik  (

It is cheaper to race as a club member. To join or renew visit the MTBA website and select Adelaide Mountain Bike Club as your club:
FREE once-off 8 week trial MTBA memberships are available on the above link.

If you have any questions, please email us for more information.

Photo cred – Tim Loft

AMBC Races General News Juniors Volunteering

Summer racing goodness

Summer!! long days, warm weather, how nice!! No way could we let it slide without a little bit of summer racing fun. Our plan is for each race to have an element of fun or something different. The first one will be a twilight race to celebrate the opening of the new trail network in O’Halloran Hill. Save the dates, more details to follow in December. We’ll post events on facebook and strava as well.

AMBC Races General News Sponsors Volunteering

Annual General Meeting

So we’ve already mentioned that the AGM will take place right before presentations for the State Champs and will take about 5-10 minutes but what does this mean?

Well I’m glad you asked. At the AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are taken for all committee positions. If more than one person nominates for any one committee position, the position goes to a vote from the present club members.  We have already received some nominations so thank you to those people who have either nominated or have shown interest in being involved in 2018. However, we still have plenty of positions that we need to fill…..the main one being Race Director without which we cannot hold events (click here for more info). There are a variety of roles available playing to various strengths. Check out the word cloud or head over to our contacts page for a list of positions. If you think you can help the club in other ways please contact us we’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions about any of the positions or you would like to nominate please contact us on or contact the club mobile on 0408 840 610.

AMBC Races General News Juniors Sponsors Volunteering


So we have now reached the business end of 2017….
Thank you to all the members, competitors, sponsors, committee and volunteers who have made 2017 a great year, the club wouldn’t exist without you!
Business end means that the state champs are just around the corner and it’s time to get excited!!

The 2017 XCO Paris Creek State Championships will be hold at Fox Creek 5th November 2017 and online entries are now open.  Most of the details are already covered on our champs page but read on for anything that’s not covered already.

The AGM will be taking place right before presentations for the State Champs. This will be at around 2:00pm. The official proceedings will take about 5-10 minutes and cover the financials of the club for the year and the committee members for 2018.

If you are after an on the day rundown or to see who the current state champs are visit our website. For this race AMBC reverts to Mountain Bike Australia age classification categories. Age categories are calculated based on age on 31st December 2017. We have put up a guide of the number of laps for each category on our website.

Morning racing starts at 9:30 (sign on 8:15am)
Mid-morning racing starts 11:30 (sign on 10:30am)
As a guide women, juniors and master 7/8 men race in the morning. everyone else races mid morning. Online rego is now open. Don’t forget to enter, rego closes Saturday at 10am. If you have difficulties entering please contact

Presentations will take place as soon as all the racing has finished at Anderson Hill Winery, just across the road from the trails.

We are always looking for vollies to help with pre-race course set up and maintenance.
If you are able to help out even if only for a short time please contact All help is greatly appreciated and you will be rewarded for your hard work.

The proposed lap is 6km in length and approximately 170m of climbing per lap. A GPX file is available here and we also have a lap course on our strava event (or at least we will by the end of today).



Yes! Every entrant will receive a $10 voucher to spend at Anderson Hill winery on the day where we will be holding our presentations.

We need you. These races can’t happen without the good work done by our vollies. If you are available to help set up or pack up or anything else please contact us

Its cheaper to race as a club member. To join or renew visit the MTBA website and select Adelaide Mountain Bike Club as your club:  FREE once-off 8 week trial MTBA memberships are also available on the above link


If you have any questions, feel free to email for more information.
General News

2018 Race Director

I am announcing that I will not be continuing as Race Director with AMBC next year (2018). It goes without saying that this position is vital to ensure continued racing. A brief summary of the positions duties are as follows:

  • Applying for trail access requests;
  • Course preparation;
  • Distributing course maps and GPX files;
  • Ensuring logistics are organised – toilet, catering, first aid, etc.
  • Course marking and HQ set up;
  • Course and HQ pack down;
  • On the day race directing;

It goes without saying that these duties can be shared across people (and often are), but these are the primary duties that fall on the Race Directors shoulders.

I will be informally hanging around in the background to offer assistance and advice where and if required. There are also a number of committee members who are able to help and guide if required.

If you’d like to know further, feel free to contact or come and have a chat with me at the State Champs!

P’An-Tau Jiricek-Scott