AMBC Races

Results for 2013 Hammer Nutrition XC Enduro Series Race 1, Prospect Hill

Results for Race 1 of the 2013 Hammer Nutrition Enduro Series, held at Prospect Hill on 26th of March, have been posted on the Race Results page.


Volunteers required for 26th May

Not riding this Sunday at Prospect Hill?

Volunteer instead!

Whether you’re riding or not we’d appreciate your help.

Assistance is required on the day for pre/post race set up, pack up, announcer and more.

For further details or to offer your help contact


Calling all Volunteers

Like to ride?

Have some excellent skills you’d like to share?

Want to do something rewarding for yourself and others?

How about volunteering for AMBC?

We’d love to hear from you if you can assist in any way or are interested in the following:
  • Course design and set up – Want to design great courses, learn some course set up skills and spend a day on the bike? Work with the Event Race Director to set and mark out the course and ride the track prior to the race!
  • Registration – Direct and assist riders to collect online entry registartion packs/transponders/plates.
  • Pre Race Briefing – If you moonlight as a DJ after dark, then this is for you! Your job entails giving the pre race address! We’d also love an announcer during the race, for those not wishing to ride.
  • On the day pre race set up – transition/feed zoneserect marquee, banners, tables, signs.
  • On the day post race pack up – pack up marquee, collect signs/arrows/bunting/poles/banners.
  • Marshalling – If you’ve had a burning desire to wave a chequered flag at a fast finish…then this is for you! At times we also require on course marshals, and occasionally, car park marshals.

As a volunteer you will receive briefing about your duties AND a reward as recognition for your valuable time!

Volunteers play an important and integral role in the continued success of all AMBC events.

For further information or to register your interest contact

Adelaide Mountain Bike Club is powered by the energy, effort and enthusiasm of volunteers!

AMBC Races

Hammer Nutrition Enduro Series Race 1 – Prospect Hill 26th May

Register now for the Hammer Nutrition Enduro Series Race 1 at Prospect Hill, Sunday 26th of May 2013.

Registrations close online, the day prior at 10am.

Please note, there will be no “on the day” registration that has occurred in the past.

Race Location | Join AMBC today | Enduro Series General Info | Register Now

Sponsors Volunteering

Melrose trail maintenance and build dates

To all that love to ride Melrose!
Southern Flinders Rough Riders are gearing up for the Fat Tyre Festival and we want these trails to be in top notch condition for you! If you are thinking of going to Melrose for a weekend and feel like helping the lads throw a pick around the trails then pop these dates in your diary.

Saturday/Sunday May 11/12 – Bartagunyah Trail Camp

Come to Bartagunyah for the weekend from about midday Saturday to Sunday arvo to dig, ride and camp out. We will be doing hand finishing works on the top section of the Eurovision trail. Camping is free. If you don’t have a four wheel drive we can arrange a shuttle to the top of the hill for you and your stuff. Let us know if you’re attending – email or call Dan on 0417847977.

Sunday May 26 – Trail Build Day

9am start, meet at OTE