AMBC Races

Reminder – 2013 Giant XCO Series Round 2

Remember to register for the Giant XCO Series Round 2 at Mt Torrens Township, Sunday 15th September 2013.

The XCO series page has been updated with relevant race information for this years series – such as start and finish times (they have changed), presentations, sign-on and race plate info.

As per usual, there is no on-the-day registration, this event is strictly online registration only. Registrations close the day prior at 10am.

The track will only be available for practise on the day of the race after signing in, and on the day prior between 10am and midday. Gold coin donation for practising the day prior. Being private property, it is illegal to be on the track outside of these times. The layout of the course is shown below, and you can also download a kml file.

Mt Torrens Township track layout for Giant XCO Series Race 2, September 15th 2013
Mt Torrens Township track layout for Giant XCO Series Race 2, September 15th 2013

Race Location | Join AMBC today | 2013 Giant XCO Series | Register Now

As a reminder, please be sure to resubscribe to AMBCs new email subscription system (as of 20th August), as the previous system for delivering emails will be discontinued.

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