General News

2018 Race Director

I am announcing that I will not be continuing as Race Director with AMBC next year (2018). It goes without saying that this position is vital to ensure continued racing. A brief summary of the positions duties are as follows:

  • Applying for trail access requests;
  • Course preparation;
  • Distributing course maps and GPX files;
  • Ensuring logistics are organised – toilet, catering, first aid, etc.
  • Course marking and HQ set up;
  • Course and HQ pack down;
  • On the day race directing;

It goes without saying that these duties can be shared across people (and often are), but these are the primary duties that fall on the Race Directors shoulders.

I will be informally hanging around in the background to offer assistance and advice where and if required. There are also a number of committee members who are able to help and guide if required.

If you’d like to know further, feel free to contact or come and have a chat with me at the State Champs!

P’An-Tau Jiricek-Scott