Adelaide Mountain Bike Club Incorporated invites all members to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting to be held at Cudlee Creek MTB Trails (Fox Creek) on Sunday, 29th September 2019. The meeting will be held following the conclusion of the State Championships and will commence at approximately 2pm.
The meeting agenda will cover (1) Presentation of accounts (2) Election of Office Bearers (Committee). The official proceedings will take approximately 10 minutes. At the AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are taken for all committee positions.
If more than one person nominates for any one committee position, the position goes to a vote from the present club members.There are a variety of roles available playing to various strengths. Check out the word cloud or head over to our contacts page for a list of positions. If you think you can help the club in other ways please contact us we’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions about any of the positions or you would like to nominate please contact us on or contact the club mobile on 0408 840 610.
Don’t forget the state champs! Entries will open 15th September. Entry is via an online link . Please visit the State Champs club page for more details and also our facebook event page. The club races wouldn’t be possible without our fabulous volunteers that help out. If you are able to help on race day or in the lead up to the race please contact Aurelia Strozik on