Have been released. Check the results page for more the link – click here
Allocated transponders from the higher end to make sure all of them worked, and some didn’t. So if you’re times are a bit skewed that could be why. If you think I’ve short changed you some sheep from your sheep station because of this, let me know – timing@ambc.asn.au – and we’ll discuss the current value of ewes’.
Thanks to all the volunteers who assisted with setting up and packing down of the HQ and course.
Next race is at Eagle MTB Park and entries are open, check the links below.
We’re already looking at moving the start time forward to 09:00am again to beat the heat and be finished nice ‘n’ early in order to hit the beach sooner. Stay tuned for more information and confirmation of start times (now that I’ve mentioned it, it’ll rain).
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