General News

AMBC Craigburn Farm XCM- 26th May

Did you love the Prospect Hill 4 hour or what?! Keen for some trails closer to the city that are perhaps more familiar?! Join us on Sunday the 26th of May for the final round of the AMBC 4 Hour Enduro Series , brought to you by Azur lights, Bryton GPS, Krush bikewash, SuperB tools, Hammer Nutrition, Schwalbe tyres, Squirt lube, IO Merino, Bridge Road Brewers, Mitre10 Barrow and Bench, Govita and BMCR cycles.
Enduro races can be completed Solo, or as a Duo (team of two, relay style). This allows for riders of all skills and abilities to get involved and challenge themselves accordingly!
(Registration will CLOSE at 3pm on Saturday 25th May)
Self seeding grades apply for these races:
A Female
A Male
B Female
B Male
C Female
C Male
D Male
Solo Junior (15-17yo)
Junior A Duo (11-17)
Junior B Duo (11-17)
Duo Male
Duo Female
Duo Mixed
Confused about how enduro racing works? Head to
We highly encourage junior riders of all abilities and above age 11 to join our races. For all enquiries regarding junior riders please email or read
1:00 PM Course closed- No riders allowed to continue racing, unless already on course.
The course will use trails only in the Craigburn Farm trail network. The course map will be posted as soon as possible on the event page. This is approximately 10km long and about 35 minutes for elite riders. Times may vary significantly due to track conditions.
Parking will be directed on race day.
We need you. These races happen with the good work done by our vollies. If you are available to help set up or pack up or assist with anything else please get in touch with Aurelia Strozik via email:
It is cheaper to race as a club member. To join or renew visit the MTBA website and select Adelaide Mountain Bike Club as your club:
FREE once-off 8 week trial MTBA memberships are available on the above link.
Information about the location can be found in our trails index , and an interactive map at
If you have any questions, feel free to email for more information!
Photo thanks Tim loft.
General News

Round 1 XCM O’Halloran Hill (Race Review)

The 2019 AMBC season kicked off at O’Halloran Hill with a unique twilight XCM race format. The stoke factor was high as participants battled light setups and the duos talked team strategy. The field went out hot up the first fire road in an attempt to find free dirt heading into the single track. True old-school handcut trails in the old OHH section offered some serious flow for veterans and newcomers alike. Griff Knight burnt some rubber setting the fastest lap while surprising everyone in the feed zone still scrambling to find bottles. Once 6pm rocked around the lights came on which was well policed by Dave Braithwaite, an excuse for some to visit their local bike shops to invest in a new setup I’m sure. The berms were sweet with one techy climb helping to sort out the field. By 7pm when most were headed out for the final lap, the rain that had been threatening all day came down (cheers to AMBC racegoers for breaking the dusty OHH drought). Strategy was abandoned as many went into body-preservation and not heading out for an extra lap, living to ride another day. As Mark Manning sprinted across the line at 03:59:07 to take the coveted last lap in on what was now being described as a proper Slip N Slide. The rest of the field rolled in with significantly little chatter as everyone searched for layers and scraped off some extra mud. Overall was a popular course with most loving the opportunity to do some night-racing and explore the lesser known back section of OHH. Podium results will be listed below. Now you’ve heard me rabbit on about how I saw the race from the feedzone, here are some interviews from racers on the night. Hope to see you all at Prospect Hill next week (the
course is truly epic) and stay tuned for the digital reinvention of the popular “Fat Chat”. Now have fun and go ride your bikes!

Meet Your Members – Race Review

How long have you been riding dirt? What got you started?

Julia Massey (Veteran) – Would you believe, I started riding off road maybe 20 years ago! I started because my hubby rode, too. So he built me up a bike and away we went. Someone in the club owns his Giant Cadex (for a vintage build)

Nigel McGaffin (First Timer) – I’ve been riding dirt for about 18months. It started as a way to get some cardio training in to help with martial arts. I’ve trained Taekwondo for 3 years and completing my black belt grading this year. I needed some extra fitness for sparring. I got this gumtree special "mountain bike" and thrashed it so hard the rear wheel buckled to the point I disconnected the rear brake to stop it rubbing. Needless to say we shopped for new bikes. Shopped around and found the boys at Bicycle Fix Woodside – bought a 2019 Trek Roscoe 8. Not exactly a XC race bike but it has some great features and is value for money.

Felix Bull (Junior) – Dad and I reckon that I have been riding mtb for around 6 years. I started on my 20” Merida hardtail which Dad and upgraded a bit, then I got my Scott Scale 650b which I did my first races on.

Anna Kublis (Female Racer) – I have been riding about 8 years and started riding trails for fitness. Julia Massey (AMBC President at the time) answered my call out RE: racing and encouraged me to go out to a summer series race at Eagle. It was soooooo scary, 2 laps and I fell off so many many times. I was in awe of the other girls racing at the time how fast and fearless they were. I was so cooked I had to lay on the couch for the rest of the day and cancel my sushi date!

Describe the OHH Course

Julia – That OHH course wasn’t easy, lots of flat turns …I love a good berm and there were very few of them. But it was also fun and a good one for the last bit in the dark. Somewhere there was a good view over the ocean, too.

Felix – The OHH course was fairly simple but it also was a bit powdery and it had some technical bits to it which made it more interesting. By the end of the race the rocks where very slippery from the rain, a lot of the course was muddy apart from a couple of sections which were dry which clogged your wheels.

Anna – Fast and Flowy

Favourite Part?

Nigel – Hitting the little creek dipper and getting some air out the other side was 10 seconds of fun each lap, before settling back in to a rhythm of discomfort.

Felix – My favourite part was the downhill with berms because you could really rip though it unlike the other downhills which you had to go a bit slower on.

Anna – The berms and drop downs into the creek.


Biggest Challenge?

Julia – Challenge for me was my fitness (or lack of). But I’m not racing for sheep stations, just fun so if I have to stop, so be it.

Nigel – That damn hill. It was so rocky and with the little rain we had it was even more technical. I must apologise to the faster guys that caught me going up there, well caught me anywhere really, I think I spent equal amounts slightly off track getting out of the way than I did on track. I just didn’t want my slow ass to ruin someone’s race.

Felix – The biggest challenge was on the last lap where you had come back though the tunnel, you had done The first bit of single and there was a fire road that was really muddy and I just couldn’t keep up with Kade.

Anna – When the rain came down last lap and the bit out the back turned into an ice skating rink!

Goals for next race/2019 season?

Julia – I am planning to do the Dirty Weekend 6 hour, and some CX and maybe gravity races later this year.

Nigel – I think there’s something special about a sport where the biggest way to improve your time is to get fitter. Having raced motorsport hill climbs for a few years the best way to improve is to get a faster car or better brakes but with this I think there’s only so much to gain from a lighter bike or better tyres – for me the best improvement I can have is to pedal faster for longer and to not gas out on climbs.

Felix – Go faster!

Anna – Easter in the Alice and trying to coordinate a tough work schedule with races!

What would you like to see from AMBC?

Julia – I’m really pleased to see a resurgence of numbers at races. AMBC does such a great job with a small committee! Don’t go changing (maybe a new kit)

Nigel – I think the best thing would be a “First Timer Tips” page on the website. I didn’t really know what to expect or what to bring and just copied what I saw other people doing as far as setting things up between start/finish. Also a little spectators guide too –
My partner wasn’t sure if she could walk around the track to watch and I was too knackered to communicate that I’d seen lots of others out there.

Anna – I think the volunteers already do an amazing job.

  Round 1 XCM Race Results
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Please Remember All, Sandbagging isn’t chill. Pick your category wisely at Prospect Hill…

@adelaidemtb #adelaidemtbclub

General News

Prospect Hill XCM 2019 + Trail Maintainence day

As we gear up for a big winter, there is no better way to kick it off than to spend 4 hours on the flowing trails of Prospect Hill. Join us on Sunday the 14th of April for the first round of the AMBC 4 Hour Enduro Series, brought to you by Azur lights, Bryton GPS, Krush bikewash, SuperB tools, Hammer Nutrition, Schwalbe tyres, Squirt lube, IO Merino, Bridge Road Brewers, Mitre10 Barrow and Bench, Govita and BMCR cycles.
Enduro races can be completed Solo, or as a Duo (team of two, relay style). This allows for riders of all skills and abilities to get involved and challenge themselves accordingly!
TRAIL MAINTENANCE DAY – Sunday 7th April at 10am
Meet at trail carpark at 10am.
Depending on how many people can make it out will depend on how much we get done. Plan is to spend no more than 2-3 hours with a course recce ride afterwards.
What to bring: Hydration, Nibbles, Hat, Gloves, Long pants, Sturdy shoes. Secateurs or hand saw, rake, mattock, bike for ride afterwards. Contact
(Registration will CLOSE at 3pm on Saturday 13th April)
(Any problems with REGO? Contact Dave Braithwaite through the details on the event portal page)
Self seeding grades apply for these races:
A Female
A Male
B Female
B Male
C Female
C Male
D Male
Solo Junior (15yo MINIMUM-17yo as dictated by MTBA guidelines)
Junior A Duo (11-17)
Junior B Duo (11-17) [Minimum age entry 11 years old. Standard course is shortened for Junior B riders.] [ Enter individually and we will pair your son/daughter up with another rider!]
Duo Male
Duo Female
Duo Mixed
Confused about how enduro racing works? Head to
1:00 PM No new laps to start. Laps completed after cut off will count toward results.
Presentations – we need all hands on deck to pack down and start our presso’s straight away. The more you help – the quicker this happens and the quicker we can all get home! 
The course will be using a variation of the enduro loop that we’ve used in past races, aiming to use any newly built trails if possible. This course will be approximately 10km long and about 35 minutes for elite riders. Times may vary significantly due to track conditions. More info will be available closer to the date, including a gpx file and course map! 
Parking will be directed on race day. Please follow our lovely volunteers and committee members.
We need you. These races happen with the good work done by our vollies. If you are available to help set up or pack up or assist with anything else please get in touch with Aurelia Strozik via email:
It is cheaper to race as a club member. To join or renew visit the MTBA website and select Adelaide Mountain Bike Club as your club:
FREE once-off 8 week trial MTBA memberships are available on the above link.
Information about the location can be found in our trails index , and an interactive map at
If you have any questions, feel free to email for more information!
Thanks Tim Loft for the photos!
General News

O’Halloran Twilight XCM Rule Update

An update to the race rules for the O’Halloran Hill XCM sees racers able to start laps up until 3h:59m:59s with laps completed after 4h:00m:00s counted towards their result. This follows the traditional race rules, where the course closes at 4h:00m:00s for any outgoing laps. This will be effective at all XCM races this year.

Enter now at:
Note: Entry will close at 10am this Friday to accommodate for extra processing time.

Another reminder that vehicle access and competitor parking for this event is via Seacombe Rd and Braeside Avenue/Morphett Road as per map. NOT Major’s Road.
Car parking is to be 90 deg parking within the fire track corridor.

General News

O’Halloran Hill XCM Twilight

Just clarifying with all members that the event schedule for the O’Halloran Hill Twilight XCM on Saturday 30th March is as follows:

Online entry closes Friday 29/03/2019 at 3:00 PM 

8:00 PM FINISH – No new laps to start after this time (4 hours from start)
Thanks for your patience!